Graphic Design Tutorials

The graphic design tutorials created for Graphic Design have been written to help graduate designers build confidence through graphic design tutorials covering everyday, essential tasks. Most of the information here is knowledge that every designer absolutely has to know if they are to work confidently in a design house. These articles focus on preparing images correctly for print, setting up documents in InDesign and Quark, artwork press-preparation, best practices and general workflow. There are also tips on finding and securing graphic design jobs.

Some of the graphic design tutorials are video-based, and all are written in as clear a way as possible. If you have any queries about any aspect of the site or greaphic design tutorials within it, please e-mail us at

Graphic Design Employment Blog
The Graphic Design Employment Blog keeps you up-to-date with new articles and additions to the website. Subscribe here.

About The Graphic Design Employment Website and Author
The Graphic Design Employment website has been created for graphic design graduates who might have gaps in their knowledge after college.

Find Career Information on Graphic Design, Jobs in Graphic Design
If you're starting out in graphic design, you'll find career information on graphic design employment. Also find numerous websites listing jobs in graphic design for all levels.

Writing Graphic Design Resumes. Step by step to an effective graphic design CV .
The basics of how to write effective graphic design resumes. A format that presents the information clearly and logically. Don't get carried away! Write a good graphic design CV and get the job.

The Graphic Design Interview. Common Sense Tips for Graphic Design Employment.
So you've got yourself a graphic design interview! How do you handle it? Actually it's all common sense. Keep confidence high, think about what they want to hear and know the job you are applying for!

Learn About Graphic Designer Employment - Essential Knowledge and Information
If you're getting ready to dive into a graphic design career, are you confident about what will be expected of you? Learn about graphic designer employment and the projects you're likely to work on.

How Do Graphic Design Creatives Get Their Ideas and Inspiration?
Every creative experiences some sort of writers block at one time or another. So how do graphic design creatives get past this hurdle? Here are some ideas to start you off.

Graphic Design Software You Need to Learn for Graphic Design Employment.
Since the introduction of the Apple Mac, graphic design software has transformed the industry. Find out what software you need to learn for graphic design employment in today's studios.

Standard paper dimensions, possible uses and template downloads
A handy guide to standard paper dimensions, including sizes, possible uses and Quark and InDesign sample file downloads.

Which Color Mode to Select for Press-Ready Images - CMYK, Bitmap or Grayscale?
If you're uncertain about what color mode to convert prepress images to, here you'll find the basics of creating CMYK, Grayscale and Bitmap images. Which of the color modes should you select and why?

Press-Ready Image Tutorial - how to make high resolution images printer ready
A graphic design tutorial explaining how and why images are made press-ready. Builds confidence in graphic design graduates and first-job seekers by demonstrating industry techniques.

Photoshop Clipping Paths - How To & How Not To Create Good Quality Paths
If anyone ever tells you to use the Photoshop Magic Wand Tool to create Photoshop clipping paths, don't believe them! This article shows you how to do it RIGHT - and how to do it WRONG!

Creating a Photoshop Cut Out and Placing as a Layered PSD File in InDesign
If you want to retain transparency when placing images in InDesign, you need to save a Photoshop cut out image as a layered PSD file. It'll blend in nicely!

A hair cutout in Photoshop using Blending Options Instead of Paths
Cutting out images using paths is all very well until you come across hair or fur. This article explains how to do a hair cutout in Photoshop without using paths that won't take all day.

4 Color Process Printing and Spot Color Printing - What the Difference?
Learn about the main printing processes involved in graphic design projects. Including 4 color process printing and spot color printing. What's the difference between Pantone and CMYK swatches?

Image File Format Definitions for Print. When to Use EPS, PSD, AI, TIF Files.
Learn how and when to use different file types for different design projects. Image file format definitions, prepress preparation techniques, difference between raster and vector file types explained.

Just what is a Bitmap? Simple Photoshop color mode explanation & image tutorial.
One of the few ways that poor image quality can be improved. This article, 'Just What is a Bitmap', gives a simple explanation of the Bitmap Photoshop color mode and demonstration of its use in print.

Using Adobe Illustrator How to Convert Text to Outlines
Learning the basics of prepress graphic design? This tutorial shows when using Adobe Illustrator how to convert text to outlines to avoid font hassles.

Using Adobe Illustrator How to Prepare a Vector Shape Design for Press.
Learning the basics of prepress graphic design? This tutorial shows when using Adobe Illustrator how to create a simple vector spot color or CMYK logo and make it press-ready.

Prepress Training Checklist: make press-ready vector graphics & raster graphics
A checklist to keep by your computer when creating press-ready images. This prepress training website builds confidence in graduate or first-job graphic designers. Graphic design employment info.

Over printing problems and solutions in Quark, InDesign and Illustrator
If you're browsing the internet looking for a solution to an over printing problem, this might be the page for you. Quark and InDesign overprinting issues and rich black CMYK values are covered here.

How to Setup and Layout InDesign Files - Business Card Layout Design for Press.
Learn how to set up InDesign files for press. This article demonstrates bleed, CMYK, spot colors and PDFX1a creation by producing a business card layout design. Applicable to all document layouts.

Free Quark to InDesign Conversion From QuarkXPress version 4, 5 or 6 - How?
Do you need to convert a large or complex Quark file to InDesign? It'll need some reworking however you do it, but here is the free Quark to InDesign conversion method as well as a commercial option.

Style Sheets Tutorial. Working with Quark Style Sheets.
It's essential to know how to create, apply and edit Quark style sheets when working with large documents in Quark XPress. They are easy to use and can save enormous amounts of time.

Style Sheets Tutorial. Working with InDesign Style Sheets.
It's essential to know how to create, apply and edit InDesign style sheets when working with large documents in Adobe InDesign. They are easy to use and can save enormous amounts of time.

How To Create Accent Marks on Apple Macs. French, German, Spanish Accent Marks
One of the first stories I heard when I began my training for a career in graphic design was a tale of woe. Someone lost their job because they didn't know how to create accent marks on Apple Macs!

A Useful Proofreading Marks Chart -Universal Proofreading Symbols and Examples
As a graphic designer, I find it useful to have a proofreading marks chart in front of me when ploughing through heavily corrected pages! Here are some of the most common proofreading marks & examples

If You're a Graphic Designer You need to Learn Universal Proofreading Symbols.
An often overlooked skill in graphic design training is the ability to interpret universal proofreading symbols. If you're a designer and know nothing about proofreading, learn these essential basics!

Free Photoshop Tutorial Videos by Graphic Design
Our Photoshop tutorial videos are a great way to learn new techniques and tricks. They're easy to follow and include links to static tutorials of the same topics which can be printed for reference.

Photoshop Tutorial Bling Text - Adjustment Layers Photoshop Video Tutorial
Photoshop Tutorial Bling Text. A Photoshop tutorial demonstrating how adjustment layers and layer styles can be used to create great effects non-destructively. Also shown as a Photoshop video tutorial

Use Layer Styles in Photoshop to Create a Glassy Button or Enamel Badge
It's possible to create some great effects in Photoshop using just flat shape layers and non-destructive layer styles. This tutorial shows how to create a glassy button or enamel badge effect.

Create a Glass Photoshop Button Using Layer Styles and Shape Layers
It's possible to create some great effects in Photoshop using just flat shape layers and non-destructive layer styles. This tutorial shows how to create a shiny glass Photoshop button, set in metal.

Cheap royalty free photos and stock images - where and how to find them
Over the years the Internet has made image research and purchase a breeze. Some major image libraries are listed here, as well as our recommendations for cheap royalty free photos and stock images.

Adobe Illustrator Tutorials. Video and Written Tips and Tricks.
Adobe Illustrator Tutorials. A collection of video and written tutorials created and collated in order to demonstrate some of the more useful tools and techniques of Adobe Illustrator.

ILLUSTRATION How to Create Great Looking Line Art in Adobe Illustrator
ILLUSTRATION How to create great looking line artwork in Adobe Illustrator - even if you have no artistic skill whatsoever! Remember tracing paper? It's the same principle but better.

Custom Adobe Illustrator Gradient Creation - Basic Tutorial
If you need to create a custom Adobe Illustrator gradient to replicate one you've seen in another graphic, or if you want to make one from scratch, here's the way to do it.

Live Trace in Illustrator. Create Accurate Line Art Tracings.
Live Trace in Adobe Illustrator used to be a standalone product called Adobe Streamline. Illustrator's line art tracing tools were pretty basic. Then Live Trace was built into CS2, great for line art.

Adobe InDesign Tutorials - step by step help and guidance
Adobe InDesign Tutorials. A collection of simple-to-follow graphic design tutorials written in order to demonstrate some of the essential tools and techniques of Adobe InDesign.

InDesign Transparency and Faded Background Image Effects
When using InDesign transparency on a background image, there are two ways to lock the image at the back so you don't keep accidentally selecting it. One is to use layers, and one to use master pages.


by Nick Beresford Davies | © Training, advice, resources, confidence building for graphic designers

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