Adobe InDesign Tutorials

Below are some Adobe InDesign tutorials which have been written for those learning graphic design techniques, and also for graphic design graduates who need to brush up their skills and knowledge before getting into graphic design employment.

Adobe Indesign Tutorials

  • Style Sheets Tutorial. Working with InDesign Style Sheets.
    It's essential to know how to create, apply and edit InDesign style sheets when working with large documents in Adobe InDesign. They are easy to use and can save enormous amounts of time.
    [Click here to read InDesign Style Sheets Tutorial]
  • InDesign Transparency, Layers and Master Pages.
    When using InDesign transparency on a background image, there are two ways to lock the image at the back so you don't keep accidentally selecting it. One is to use layers, and one to use master pages.
    [Click here to read about InDesign Transparency]

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