Business Card Standard Sizes

Business card standard sizes are 85mm x 55mm and 90mm x 50mm.

Business card size uses

There are 1001 uses for this format. Business cards tend to use the 85mm x 55mm size.

Compliment Slip Paper Size

Business card templates - InDesign download (version CS) and Quark download (version 5)

When setting up Quark or InDesign documents, just as important as the document size is the need for correctly positioned margins, gutters and bleed (if required). Below are some typical documents set up in InDesign and Quark which might speed up your production process.

Each document has been set up with guides in place as well as 5mm bleed throughout. InDesign is great at adding bleed marks and guides, but Quark is not so great - so we've done it for you. All files are compressed with a .zip suffix.

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